A Pharaoh’s Feast: A Live Egyptian Cooking Event

Don’t miss this one-of-a-kind Egypt live cooking event in celebration of the coming of akhet (the flood season) – and Ancient Egyptian New Year!

Canadian Egyptologist Laura Ranieri Roy is joining forces with talented (and fun) French chef Pierre Beaumier to bring to life a lively and engaging Egyptian cooking class. Together with you, we will prepare three characteristic dishes you would eat in Egypt today:

The three dishes are: baladi bread, babaganoush (eggplant dip), and delicious Omm Ali pudding (dating to Medieval Cairo).

Participants will receive:

  1. A custom grocery shopping list to prepare for the event
  2. Step-by-step recipes for all three dishes
  3. Tips to prepare in advance – and an event agenda

So, pull on your Ramses apron and join us for this education, delectable and fun-filled afternoon.